Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Green Dwarf Shrimp
The Green Dwarf Shrimp is easily identified by its beautiful bright green color and slender body, with almost all the females of this species having a white stripe down their backs. Unless stressed out or sick, the shrimp will maintain its color all the time. Since it comes from tropical regions, the water temperature should not drop below the recommended range for extended period of time and preferably soft neutral to medium hard alkaline in the long run.
The Green Dwarf feeds mainly on algae and fish food and does not have planktonic larval stage. In fact, after hatching, the young it is a miniature version of the adult and assumes a benthic lifestyle; it is extremely small and grows very slowly, unlikely to swim freely around but rather confining to the bottom of the tank. Hence, it is important to provide the shrimp ample hiding place.